When a Fayetteville, Arkansas personal injury lawyer from our firm is building your case, they may turn to outside experts who can testify on your behalf. Sometimes they can be the secret weapon that you need to fight for compensation after getting injured in an accident.
When Should I Turn to Outside Experts?
Outside experts can help you take an argument you have already made on your own and strengthen it. The simple fact is that even if you are prepared for testimony and you make a great witness, a jury still might not completely come over to your side. You and your family members might be convincing, but you are trying to win a case. How do they believe everything that you are saying?
They may look at outside experts differently. A medical professional, accident recreation specialist, or psychologist has an area of specific knowledge. They can also be seen as impartial. They are not biased toward you and your family, the plaintiffs in this personal injury case. They are simply reporting the facts based on their expert knowledge.
Your lawyer can put you in touch with all sorts of expert witnesses. The ones that can help in a personal injury case include:
- Medical professionals who can talk about your prognosis
- Manufacturing experts who can explain what happened with a defective product
- Vocational rehab specialists who can speak about how your injuries affect your ability to work
- Mental health professionals who can testify about the pain and suffering you and your family have experienced
If we know someone who can help you build a personal injury case, we will get them to testify on your behalf.
What Kind of Compensation Can Outside Experts Help Me Win?
Your compensation can cover all sorts of costs stemming from your accident. Your attorney and outside experts can help you build a stronger case and fight for more compensation. Your settlement should help make up for:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Loss of earning potential
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- The cost of repairing or replacing property, like a car
- Mental anguish
That first settlement offer from an insurance company is often inadequate. Your lawyer can help you fight for fair compensation.
Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?
You may be thinking that what you really need is expert witnesses, not a lawyer. You can just find some experts on your own, right?
Maybe, but finding and checking out the backgrounds of various “experts” could just end up being a time-consuming venture that does not get you anywhere. Lawyers from our firm can help you find the outside experts you need without the requirement for any legwork on your part. Then they can help you with all other aspects of your case, from gathering evidence to fielding settlement offers.
Call and Schedule Your Consultation
Now is the time to learn more about your legal options and what an experienced personal injury attorney can do for you. Contact the Knapp Law Firm and schedule your initial consultation. The first consultation is free, but what you learn could be invaluable.